Meet the newest map styles: Manhattan By Maps4News

7 February 2019

We are very pleased to share with you that we have released four new map styles! Of course, one of the great things about Maps4News is that you can work with your customized map style, completely fitting to your product. But sometimes you just want something a little different, right?

That’s why we asked designer Roxane to create some really cool map styles. They are all very different and are suitable for different use cases. In this blog series we will present you with all of the map styles and show you why they are great and when they are ideal to use. Right now, the designs are available as an Annotation, Locator and Dynamic map style!

If you like one or two or all of the map styles but don’t have them available in your account, just send a quick email to [email protected] and they’ll give you access to them immediately!

The second map style we want to show is called ‘Manhattan By Maps4News’. We asked Roxane some questions about the map style to find out what makes Manhattan By Maps4News so special.

promotion of Manhattan

How did you come up with the idea of this map style?

"Manhattan is based on a night map style, meaning it has a dark background with elements and layers appearing in a grey gradient. As for all the new Maps4News styles, it combines several old base map styles in one. In this case, the map style is based on the old Maps4News Night map style with the black, white and grey one."

For what sort of events should people use this map style?

"With enhanced labels and a great street detailed visibility, from square names to national museums, this map style was designed to relate to urban life, events and facts. Think about national celebrations, the opening of a new shopping center or restaurants recommendations in a determined area."

What do you think is the strongest feature of this map style?

"The streets, roads, labels and special buildings are highlighted the most since they stand on a dark background. This map style also offers a great quality of details, which makes it perfect for printing purposes such as posters, covers and flyers, fitting especially mundane events."